
The number and costs of your claims will ultimately affect the amount of premium you pay.

Good workplace health and safety management practices will ensure fewer workplace injuries and lower workers’ compensation costs for Queensland employers.

Controlling the occurrence of workplace injuries is good for business. The primary benefits include:
  • Reduced WorkCover premium for your business.
  • Less disruption to the operation of your business.
  • Decreased work absence.
  • Increased productivity through better relations with your workers and improved morale.

ProCare Rehabilitation Solutions can assist the employer when workplace injuries do occur, containing costs with effective case management and ensure early rehabilitation for the injured worker which means earlier return to work for your injured worker.

Procare travels to your workplace to meet your individual needs.
Procare travels to your workplace to meet your individual needs.
ProCare Rehabilitation Solutions believes the more empathy and understanding an employer has for their injured worker and their situation, then few common law claims will emerge and have reduced impact on an employer’s premium.


ProCare Rehabilitation Solutions can tailor training packages designed specifically for your business requirements.
Please contact ProCare Rehabilitation Solutions to discuss further.